Jason Wolfe's Useful Zulu Medical Dictionary

Important Zulu Medical Words -

Their Pronunciation and Translation

**** Copyright  Jason Wolfe  Jan 1993 ****

Project Completed during my Medical Elective

IMPORTANT: Please do not email me questions asking about grammar, or the meaning of words, or their translation.  I have been getting repeated requests of this sort over the last few years and the answer is universally the same - 'I don't know'.  This dictionary was built up by asking zulu nurses to translate a few key medical words & phrases.  I do not know the language myself.


Pronunciation and Grammar

Pronunciation of different letter combinations

c -   Inward sucking  "tska".  Loud and Sharp.
ch   - Inward sucking  "tska".  Soft and Rounded.
x - Inward dental  "t"  +  sharp inward  "cha"  using cheeks rather than tongue.
k - Sharp gutteral sound intermediate between  "k"  and  "g".
kh - Softer gutteral  "k",  but the  'h'  is not pronounced.
q - Sharp inward  "t"  using the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
qh - Softer less emphasized inward  "t"  using the roof of the mouth.
gq - Normal 'g' followed immediately by the  "q"  as explained above.
hl - Soft, blowing, very gutteral  "sh"  followed by a normal  "l".
dl - "d"  +  very gutteral  "sh"  as above  +  normal  "l".
ng - Normal  'ng'  as in English but usually pronounced with a quiet  'g'.  However pronouncing the  'g'  as normal is also valid.

The Words

Greetings, Introductions, Farewells, and Opening Questions :

Greetings  (to one person)


Yes - Yebo  (The reply to sawubona)
Greetings  (to many people) - Sanibona
Are you well? - Uyaphila na?
How are you? - Unjani?
I am well - Ngiyaphila  (The reply to the above two)
What is your name? - Ungubani igama lakho na?
Where are you from? - Uvelaphi?
Are you married? - Ushadile na?
How old are you? - Iminyaka yakho?  /  Mingaki na?
Go well  (ie: Good bye) - Hamba kahle  (to person leaving)
Stay well  (ie: Good bye) - Sala kahle  (from person leaving)
Thank you - Ngiyabonga
Please - Ngiyacela

Statements, Instructions and Replies :



No - Cha  /  Qha
Sorry - Phephisa
I am a doctor - Ngingudokotela
Come in! - Ngena
Sit down! - Hlala phansi
Sit up! - Vuka uhlale
Stand up! - Sukuma
Lie down! - Lala phansi
Dress! - Gqoka
Get up and dress! - Vuka Ugqoke
Undress! - Khumula
Open your mouth! - Khamisa
Stick out your tongue! - Khipha ulimi
Close your eyes! - Cimeza  /  Vala amehlo
Open your eyes! - Vula amehlo
Keep your eyes still! - Ungawanyakazisi amehlo
Look at my finger! - Buka umunwe wami
Copy me!  /  Do what I do! - Yenza engikwenzayo
Keep Still! - Yima
Breathe deeply! - Phefumula kakhula
Breathe normally! - Phefumula kahlenje
Breathe in! - Donsa umoya
Breathe out! - Khipha umoya
Hold your breath! - Bamba umoya
Roll over onto your front! - Lala ngesisu
Roll over onto your back! - Lala ngomhlane
Roll onto your side! - Lala ngohlangothi
Walk! - Hamba
Stop! - Mana  /  Yima
Show me where! - Ngikhombise kuphi
Please answer Yes or No! - Phendula Yebo noma Cha kuphela
I would like to examine you! - Ngathanda ukukupopola

Nouns and Adjectives :



Ubuhlungu  /  Izinhlungu
Well  /  OK  /  Healthy - Iyaphila
Ill  /  Unhealthy - Uyagula
Dead  /  Dying - Ukufa
Alive - Ukuphila
Normal - Kukahle
Abnormal  /  Unusual - Akukahle



Bad - Kubi
Better - Kugcono
Worse - Kwedlulele

Man  /  Male


Woman  /  Female - Isifazane
Boy - Umfana
Girl - Intombazane
Family - Umdeni
People - Abantu

Long  (Distance)


Long  (Time) - Kudala
Short - Mfishane
Tall - Mude
Much  /  A lot - Kuningi
Little  /  Small - Kuncane
Large - Kukhulu



Soft - Thambile



Brown - Kubende
Black - Kumyama
Red - Kubomvu
Yellow - Kumthubi
Green - Kuluhlaza
Blue - Kusibhakabhaka



One - Kunye
Two - Kubili
Three - Kuthathu
Four - Kune
Five - Kuyisihlanu
Six - Kuyisithupha
Seven - Kuyisikhombisa
Eight - Kuyisishiyagalombili
Nine - Kuyisishiyagalolunye
Ten - Kuyishumi
Eleven - Ishumi nanye
Twelve - Ishumi nambili
Fifteen - Ishumi nesihlanu
Twenty - Amashumi amabili
Thirty - Amashumi amathathu
Forty - Amashumi amane
Fifty - Amashumi amahlanu
Sixty - Ngamashumi ayisithupha
Seventy - Ngamashumi ayisikhombisa
Eighty - Ngamashumi ayisishiyagalombili
Ninety - Amashumi ayisishiyagalolunye
One hundred - Ikhulu



Weeks - Amaviki
Months - Izinyanga
Years - Iminyaka
Day - Usuku
Night - Ebusuku
Sleep - Lala
Morning - Ekuseni
Afternoon - Ntambama
Evening - Kusihlwa
Today - Namuhla
Yesterday - Izolo
Tomorrow - Kusasa



Cold - Kuyabanda



Right - Ngesokudla



Water - Amanzi
Sugar - Ushukela



Uyakuthanda ukudla
Good appetite - Uyakuthanda ukudla kuhle
Bad appetite - Akakuthandi ukudla kubi
Weight - Isisindo
Overweight - Ukhuluphele kakhulu
Underweight  /  Malnourished - Uzacile



Bus - Ibhasi
Pension - Impesheni
Disability allowance - Uncedo
Police - Iphoyisa



Nurse - Umlengikazi
Community health care worker - Nompilo
Midwife - Umbelethisi
Occupational therapist - Umsebenzi wezandla
Social worker - Usonhlala kahle
Witch Doctor - Isangoma
Hospital - Isibhedlela
Ward - Igumbi labagulayo
Operating Theatres - Indlu yokuhlinzela
X-ray - Indlu yokuthatha izinthombe
Laboratory - Indlu yokucubungula amagciwane
Pharmacy - Indlu yemithi
Out Patients Department  /  Clinic  (OPD) - Umtholampilo
Ambulance - Imoto ethwala iziguli

Verbs :



Come - Woza
Open - Vula
Close - Vala
Take - Thatha
Pull - Donsa
Push - Fuqa
Grip - Bamba
Relax - Khululeka
Turn - Phenduka
Lift - Phakamisa
Sew up - Thunga
Walk - Hamba
Eat - Ukudla
Drink - Ukuphuza
Wash - Geza

Interrogatives, Prepositions and Pronouns :



- phi  (at the end of the word)
When - Nini
How long - Isikhathi esingakanani
How much - Kangakanani
In - Phakothi
Out - Ngaphandle
Before - Ngaphambilini
After - Ngemuva
Soon - Shesha
It - Kuwo

Questions :

What's the problem?


Uphethwe yini?
When did it start? - Kuqale nini?
Have you ever had .......? - Wake wabanayo ........?
Do you have .........? - Unayo i........?
Have you ever had it before? - Wake wabanayo ngaphambilini?
How long have you had it? - Sekunesikhathi esingakanani kukuphethwe?
Is the problem getting better or worse?      - Kubagcono noma kuyaqhubeka?
Do you have a fever? - Unomkhuhlani yini?
Do you have any pain? - Uya buzwa Ubuhlungu?
Where is the pain? - Kubuhlungu kuphi?
Does the pain move anywhere? - Ubuhlungu buhamba befikephi?
Does the pain come and go? - Kubabuhlungu kubuye kuphele yini?
Is the pain constant? - Ubuhlungu bukhona sikhathi sonke?
Do you have chest pain? - Unobuhlungu besifuba na?
Do you get breathless when you walk? - Ubanephika yini uma uhamba?
Do you get breathless when you lie flat? - Ubanephika yini uma ulele phansi?
Do you get ankle swelling? - Ayanvuvuka yini amaqakala?
Do you get palpitations? - Ishaya ngamandla yini inhliziyo?
Do you get headaches? - Tiyakuphatha yini ikhanda?
Do you have a cough? - Uyakhwehlela na?
Does it produce sputum? - Ziyaphuma yini izikhwehlela?
Do you ever cough up blood? - Uke ukhwehlele yini igazi?
Do you have abdo pain? - Uphethwe yisisu na?
Are you vomiting? - Uyahlanza na?
Do you have diarrhoea? - Uyasheka na?
Do you have constipation? - Uqumbelene yini?
Is there any blood in it? - Likhona yini igazi kuwo na?
What colour is your stool? - Anombala onjani amakaka?
Do you have pain when you pass urine? - Kubuhlungu yini uma uchama?
Do you pass too much urine? - Uchama umchamo omningi yini?
Do you have to pass urine during the night?     - Uyavuka yini ebusuku uchame?
Do you pass too little urine? - Uchama umchamo omcane yini?
How many children do you have? - Unezingane ezingaki?
Is the baby moving  /  kicking OK - Iyanyakaza ingane?
When was your LMP? - Ugcine nini esikhathini?
Is there any PV bleeding? - Awophi yini Ngaphambili?
Is there any PV discharge? - Akukho okuphumayo Ngaphambili?
Is there any discharge? - Akukho okuphumayo?  (Asked to men)
Are you using contraception? - Uyahlela?
Do you have any sores  /  ulcers? - Azikho yini izilonda?
Is it itchy? - Kuyaluma yini?
Do you get night sweats? - Uyajuluka yini ebusuku?
Does anyone in your family have this? - Ukhona yini unakho lokhu emdenini wakho?
Can you feel this? - Uyakuzwa yini lokhu?
Is it soft or sharp? - Kiyathophozela noma kuyahlaba?
Is it hot or cold? - Kuyashisa noma kuyabanda?
Do you smoke tobacco? - Uyabhema yini?
Do you drink alcohol? - Uyaphuza yini?

Telling the Patient some Information or Instructions :

You have got ........


He has got ........ - Uno.......
She has got ........ - Uno.......
The baby has got ........ - Ingane ine.......
The child has got ........ - Ingane ine.......
I am ....... - Ngingu......
You are ....... - Ungu.......
He is ....... - Ngu.......  /  Uya.......
She is ....... - Ngu.......  /  Uya.......
Go to ....... - Hamba noma iya.......
Follow me! - Ngilandele
I want to admit you! - Ngifuna ukukulalisa esibhedlela
I want to admit the child! - Ngifuna ukulalisa ingane
Come back afterwards! - Ubuye futhi
You are OK  /  healthy - Uyaphila
The child is OK  /  healthy - Ingane Iyaphila
You can go now - Usungahamba
Come back ......... - Buya ........

Medical Terms :



Okuthelelayo isifo
Antibiotic - Ukulwa nama gciwane
Drug - Umuti
Pill - Philisi
Injection - Umjovo
Injury - Ingozi
Pain - Ubuhlungu
Fever  /  Hotness of the body - Ukushisa komzimba  /  Umkhuhlana
Faint  /  Blackout - Ukuquleka
Weight loss - Ukuzagca
Thirst - Ukoma
Dehydration  /  Dehydrated - Okomisa



Bleeding - Ukopha
Anaemia - Ukuphelelwa wububomvu begazi emzimbeni
Diabetes - Isifo sushukela
Heart disease - Isifo senhleziyo
High blood pressure - Ukuphakama komfutho wegazi
Tuberculosis - Isifo sofuba
Asthma - Isifuba somoya
Jaundice - Isifo esibangwa ukuchithekela kwenyongo egazini



Isifo sokuwa
Cancer - Umdlavuza



Measles - Inqubulunjana
Mumps - Uzagiga
Rubella - Isimungumungwana sase jalimane
Diphtheria - Isifo esifimbanisa umphimbo
Whooping cough  /  Pertusis - Ugonqogonqo
Tetanus - Umhlathingqi
Chicken pox - Inqubulungwana  /  Upokisi
Common cold  /  Flu - Umkhuhlane
HIV - Igciwane lengculazi
AIDS - Ingculazi
Syphilis - Ugcusula
Worms - Izikelemu
Bilharzia - Umkhaza isichenene



Headache - Ubuhlungu ikhanda
Brain - Ingqondo
Mental illness - Isifo sengqondo
Nerve - Umuzwa  (singular) & Imizwa  (plural)
Eye - Iso
Blind - Ukungaboni
Ear - Indlebe
Deaf - Ukungezwa
Nose - Ikhala
Mouth - Umlomo
Tooth - Izinyo
Teeth - Amazinyo
Throat - Umphimbo
Throat pain - Ubuhlungu bomphimbo



Hand - Isandla
Finger - Umunwe
Thumb - Isithupha
Nail - Uzipho noma uzwane



Heart - Inhliziyo
Blood vessel - Umthambo
Lung - Iphaphu
Chest pain - Ubuhlungu besifuba
Chest infection  /  Pneumonia - Isishiso samaphaphu
Cough - Khwehlela
Sputum - Isikwehlela
Breast - Amabele



Gut  /  Bowel  /  Intestine - Ithumbu
Abdominal pain - Ubuhlungu besisu
Diarrhoea - Sheka
Constipation - Ukuqumbelana
Vomiting - Uyahlanza
Hernia - Isibhono  (Esp: Umbilical hernia)
Stool - Amakaka
Liver - Isibindi
Urinary tract - Phayipi lomchamo
Kidney - Izinso
Bladder - Isinye
Urine - Umchamo



Neck - Intamo
Waist - Ukhalo
Buttock - Izinqe

Bottom  /  Back passage  /  Anus


Haemorrhoids  /  Piles - Imizoko
Sexually transmitted disease - Isifo socansi



Scrotum - Isikhwama samasende
Testis - Amasende



Vulva - Umlomo wenhlunu
Ovary - Isizalo
Pregnancy - Ukukhulelwa
Contraception - Ukuvikela ukukhulelwa
Labour  /  Labour pains - Umhelo
Parturition  /  Birth - Ukuteta
Caesarian - Ukubelethe ngokuhlinzwa
Womb  /  Uterus - Isizalo
Menses  /  Menstruation - Isikhathi  ("The time")
Placenta - Umzanyana
Umbilicus  /  Cord - Inkaba
Foetus - Ingane engakazalwa
Baby - Ingane
Cry - Ukukhala
Breast feeding - Ukuncelisa
Bottle feeding - Ukuncelisa ngebhodlela



Leg - Umlenze
Ankle - Iqakala
Foot - Unyawo
Toe - Uzwane



Muscle - Umsipha
Joint - Ilunga  /  Indawo yokuhlangana kwamathambo
Broken - Ukuphuka
Dislocated - Ukubhinyilika
Arthritis - Isofo samalunga



Rash - Qubuka
Bruise - Gxoba
Itching  /  Pruritis - Kuyaluma
Cut - Ukusika
Scratch - Ukudwebeka
Bite - Luma



Wound - Isilofida
Needle - Inalithi
Stitches  /  Sutures - Izitishi
Dressing - Ukuphopha isilonda
Plaster cast - Ukhonkolo



Spot  /  Macule  /  Papule - Ibala
Blister - Ibamuza
Cyst  (A bag inside the body filled with fluid) - Isikhwama esikhulayo emzimbeni wumuntu siphethe into engamanzi
Abscess - Ithumba
Pus - Ubomvu

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   Last Modified : 14th June 1998